
  • “What happened to Sony?” he said, “Its all about the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii”

    I was having a conversation with a friend about console gaming recently. The conversation started when we were talking about the PS3. He was looking for a console to get his son for Christmas. He asked me…

    "What happened to Sony, the Playstation use to be the console to get but every where I go, no one is mentioning the PS3, seems like its all about the Xbox 360 and Wii"

    So we went over all what has happened this generation, talked about the games available for all the platforms, the features and what the word is around the gaming publications etc. At the end my recommendation was this.

    1. If you don't care about Bluray and want the best overall gaming system, get an Xbox 360. 

    2. If there is something specific to the PS3 that you want, for example Little Big Planet, you cant go wrong with a PS3 because there is enough gaming "now" to make the system worth the purchase.

    My reasoning behind those two points of advice was this. Right now, and pretty much this whole generation, the Xbox 360 is the most complete gaming system. There is plenty to choose from, and most of the better games are on the 360. The online portion of the 360, while you do have to pay to get all of the features, is miles ahead of any other console. The PS3 has been lagging behind so far, but since there is so many good multiplatform games, you can find a good amount of things to play on the PS3 where you wouldn't feel handicapped if you choose to get that instead of the 360.

    Bluray is a big decision. The PS3 probably is the best Bluray player available, and last year at this time, I would have said if you want a Bluray player, get a PS3. I was contemplating getting a PS3 for a Bluray myself. I don't say that anymore. There are lots of $200 or below options now for Bluray. Yea the PS3 is still one of the best Bluray players, but who cares when your comparing a $181 Bluray player to a $400 (or more) PS3. Thats not to say I think that Bluray shouldn't factor into your decision on purchasing a PS3, I just think buying a PS3 for a Bluray player (alone) is no longer a recommended option.

    Where does the Wii stand? My friend already had a Wii so that wasn't one of the options. I have a Wii, and while it is the best selling console, I still think it is in the same boat the Gamecue was last generation. Lots of "crapware" and a handful of traditional Nintendo titles (that are ussually pretty good).



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